Remedy Bio Demo Site

Below is a demonstration video of a fully configured Project Online instance.   RemedyBio is a fictitious Biotech organization that uses Project Online to track its therapy development programs.   You may find it useful as a best practice model of how Project Online can be deployed to plan and track medicinal drug product development programs, related department plans, and variously associated collateral.

Agile Development Enterprise Project Example: 

Agile development process schedules for Kanban and Scrum are easily modeled and configured in Project Online using new Agile features and templating techniques available in Project Online.   Here I show you a simple example of how you can use a project type to quickly and easily provision a portfolio of Agile plans.  You can use this video as a starting point for setting up, tracking, and reporting progress on your organization’s Agile development portfolio.  The defined Agile project type in this video is configured in Project Online as an enterprise project type or EPT.  EPTs are the efficient mechanism for setting up new instances of your organization’s repeated project plans.

This second video explores an example schedule created using the  Agile EPT.    I show you how you can view and manage this schedule in the desktop Project client.  First, this is done using a traditional waterfall format and second, it is viewed and manipulated using Agile planning views and techniques. I also show the out of the box reporting that comes with the Agile functionality of Microsoft Project.

Clinical Studies Key Performance Indicators help to measure progress as a new therapy is studied for effectiveness. As we standardize clinical project schedules across the portfolio using Project Online we can insert these KPIs into the clinical study schedules and track and report on progress more efficiently, consistently, and accurately. This video demonstrates Clinical Study KPIs as a part of Clinical Operations project management in Project Online.