
Ten$ of Thousand$ of reasons to send your employees to WGA Green Belt Certification classes!!

WGA Completes latest Lean Six Sigma Green Belt Certification Class on 12/19/2023 All participants in the most recent Green Belt class came to the class with Management support and a process improvement project to work on. During the 5-day class (1 day/week for 5 weeks), students learned and applied the concepts, tools, and techniques of…


Lean Six Sigma Certifications

By Kevin M. Yonge – January 31, 2023                           “We thought we had fixed the quality issue, but it’s still broken!” Sound familiar? Perhaps these issues might include late deliveries, supplier quality issues, data entry errors, difficulties in adjusting to new regulatory requirements, unacceptable defect/scrap rates, lack of standardization, etc. Too many times, businesses expend…